Funny TV commercials for descriptions

Hi there. I have selected a bunch of TV commercials to prepare a speaking activity. Here you have them all:

What else? 1, What else? 2What else? 3What else? 4Martini 1Martini 2Martini 3Martini 4, Martini 5Mercedes, Outrageous, Chocolate bar, Moretti beer, Bill Clinton, Dyson, Japp 1, Japp 2Japp 3.

These are the instructions for the descriptions:

– You have to watch and select one video commercial to be described.

– Then you have to either record a video with your description of the commercial, or come to the lesson, ready to perform your description in the class. You have to speak, not to read, O.K.?

That’s all, folks!

Spain bans young protesters ahead of elections

Tens of thousands have been camping out in Madrid and dozens of other Spanish cities to protest over cuts and lack of jobs. READ the complete article (Spain bans young protesters ahead of elections) and WATCH the video from The Guardian.

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P.I. 4º ESO and 1º Bachillerato: 1st term examination

Hi there. I have selected a bunch of TV commercials to prepare our speaking exam. Here you have them all:

George Clooney: In Heaven 1, George Clooney: In Heaven 2, George Clooney: In Heaven 3, What else? 1, What else? 2What else? 3What else? 4Martini 1Martini 2Martini 3Martini 4, Martini 5Mercedes, Outrageous, Chocolate bar, Moretti beer.

So, how is our exam going to be like? Well, these are the instructions:

– You have to watch and select one video commercial to be described.

– Then you have to either record a video with your description of the commercial, or come to the lesson, ready to perform your description in the class. You have to speak, not to read, O.K.?

– And remember that this exam deadline is for FRIDAY, 17th DECEMBER, at your normal lesson time,  in classroom 215b.

That’s all, folks!