Spain bans young protesters ahead of elections

Tens of thousands have been camping out in Madrid and dozens of other Spanish cities to protest over cuts and lack of jobs. READ the complete article (Spain bans young protesters ahead of elections) and WATCH the video from The Guardian.

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Becoming Sevillana

I’ve just read on my Facebook page about this girl from the UK. She is from a town in the West Midlands, in the UK, and she has been living for longer than a year in Seville. Being a professional translator, she thought the best way to really adapt to the place should be by becoming Sevillana, and you can follow this intriguing process day by day on the blog. It’s worth visiting it and have a look at our own culture through the eyes of a visitor. Please, feel at home, !

4th December: Andalucía Day

Historically, the 4th December has always been regarded as Andalucía Day, following the first uprisings in the region for freedom in 1868. Here you have a video presentation with some stances and thoughts on Andalucía, taken from famous writers, thinkers and visitors from our land and from the rest of the world.